Can you help the rabbits across the meadow and into the field of delicious carrots? If you like a good puzzle game and/or carrots then this is the game for you!
Rascal Rabbits is a game where you help rabbits escape the horrible farmer and cross the meadow to the field where rows and rows of delicious carrots awaits them. To get the rabbits to jump they need food and it is the player’s task to get all the rabbits over in the best way possible with the food available. The less food you use the more stars you get. Can you get three stars on all levels?
Rascal Rabbits is a game developed by Rock Pocket Games for Cappelen Damm Education. It is an entertaining game with educational benefits and is suitable for children from age 6 to 106. Each level challenges the player ability for problem solving related to fundamental mathematical principals. You will find challenges for players on all mathematical levels. The game is suitable for the classroom as well as when relaxing at home on the couch.